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Federal Parliament Election 1984 (Panel 1980-1984)
Sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, St. Augustin
Study number / PID
ZA1949, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.1949 (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Not available
Political attitudes and satisfaction. Behavior at the polls and party
inclination. Political self-classification.
Topics: first wave: judgement on the current and future situation in
the country; development of one´s own financial situation; interest in
politics; memory of political events in the last year; behavior at the
polls in the Federal Parliament election 1976; attitude to politicians,
state and democracy; party preference (ballot procedure, first and
second votes); certainty of one´s voting decision; orientation of
voting decision on politicians or a party; issue relevance and issue
competence of the parties; party inclination and party identification;
inclination to a party temporarily or in principle; reasons for or
against solidarity with a party (scales); sources of information for
forming a political opinion; frequency of watching television news
broadcasts; attitudes to NATO, nuclear energy, the environment,
government achievements, prosperity, leisure time and work (scale);
agreement of one´s own opinion with the goals of selected parties and
politicians (scale); confidence in the future; social concepts and
ideals; satisfaction with democracy; preference for federal chancellor
(Strauss or Schmidt); self-classification on a left-right continuum;
expected governing party or government coalition in the future; trust
in governmental and political institutions; preferred forms of
political participation; personal position in political controversies
(questions on foreigners, job security, government indebtedness,
foreign policy and price stability) and assumed positions of the
CDU/CSU as well as of the SPD; assessment of the general significance
of these controversies; interest in the election campaign and
significance of the election campaign for one´s own voting decision;
religiousness; self-assessment of social class; party inclination of
spouse as well as of father; union membership; occupation of father;
significance of religiousness in one´s...
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Not available
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
08/1980 - 03/1984
Time dimension
Longitudinal: Panel
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Probability: Multistage
Probability: Stratified
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Face-to-face interview
Oral survey with standardized questionnaire
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.