Study title
Federal Parliament Election 1980 (Panel: 2nd Wave 1979)
Sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Alfter/Bonn
Study number / PID
ZA1324, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Political attitudes and judgement on parties as well as politicians.
The contents of the three surveys (ZA Study Nos. 1323 - 1325) are each
divided in two, in a block of questions identical at all survey times
and a further block specific to the respective wave.
Topics: 1. The first set of topics encompasses the part common to all
three surveys, as described under ZA Study No. 1323.
2. Beyond the common part the following questions were posed in this
wave: reasons for particular attraction by or rejection of parties
(scales); attitude to separation of CDU and CSU as well as to a
nation-wide expansion of the CSU; judgement on the usefulness of the
newly founded ´Citizen Party´ and of the ´Green List´; judgement on the
chances of the two parties to obtain seats in the Federal Parliament;
personal intent to vote for these parties; judgement on the effort of
the government for greater populism; expected opportunities for the
parties to influence the government´s populism; the party making the
greatest effort for populism; personal opinion allegiance and frequency
of seeking advice; party preference of the opinion leader; personal
intent to participate in the election and party preference at the state
level (Sunday question); classification of selected parties and
politicians on a left-right continuum as well as self-assessment on
this scale.
Miscellaneous: presence at home on the last three evenings; weekday of
Demography: age; sex; marital status; employment; number of recipients
of income; household composition; household size; position in
household; characteristics of spouse; self-assessment of social class;
degree of urbanization; distance between workplace and residence;
Interviewer rating: length of interview; date.