Summary information

Study title

Finnish Values and Everyday Life 2005


Puohiniemi, Martti (Limor Oy) - 0000-0002-8001-9726

Study number / PID

FSD3748 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3748 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd3748 (DOI)

Data access



Finnish Values and Everyday Life

The Finnish Values and Everyday Life data series is a decades-long time series examining changes in Finnish values. The first data in the series were collected for the dissertation of Martti Puohiniemi in 1990-1995. The series is based on Shalom H. Schwartz's value theory, and the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) was used to measure values. In addition to measuring values, the surveys have charted varying topical themes, such as Finnish consumer behaviour, media use, hobbies, leisure time, work motivation, attitudes towards advertising, eating habits, environmental issues, progress of...

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The survey charted Finnish everyday life, values, attitudes, and current phenomena. First, the respondents were asked about their hobbies and leisure habits. The respondents' values were examined with the 57-item Schwarz Value Survey (SVS). Next, the respondents were asked how they felt about 100 current issues, such as the European Union, refugee reception, equality, euthanasia and liberalisation of shop opening hours. Working life, work motivation, job satisfaction, characteristics of a good employer and pension issues were also examined. The respondents' experiences of well-being, security, happiness, fears, joys and aspirations were also explored. The respondents assessed four moral problems and their proposed solutions. These related to basic services and care for the elderly, respect for the religious beliefs of the deceased person, freedom of expression and protection of the individual as well as theft and the China phenomenon. Changes in the world and society and the direction of change were surveyed with several questions. The respondents were asked, for example, whether they thought there would be positive or negative developments in Finland's national security and economy in the next few years as well as what are the most serious social problems in Finland. The respondents also described themselves as consumers, and assessed the importance of different product and service areas. Opinions on retail were studied. Next, the respondents were asked about their taste in music and literature, as well as how important they thought listening to music and reading books were. The respondents' various areas of interest, such as motoring, politics, art, news, science, childcare and fashion, were surveyed. The respondents' media use was also charted. Questions included, for example, which newspapers and magazines the respondents read and how often, which TV shows they found most interesting, and how often they watched TV or listened to the radio. Additionally, the...
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Data collection period

02/2005 - 05/2005



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



People aged 15-75 residing in mainland Finland

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

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