Study title
A Year of COVID-19: Finnish Experiences of Everyday Life during the Pandemic 2021
Finnish Literature Society. Archive
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3778 (URN)
The dataset consists of self-administered written texts on experiences related to the coronavirus epidemic. The data chart people's everyday lives as the pandemic continued in 2021. The dataset is a continuation of the Finnish Literary Society's previous COVID-19 related data collection, Koronakevät ('COVID-19 Spring”), which was carried out in 2020. The Koronakevät dataset is available from the archive of the Finnish Literature Society. The writing guidelines directed participants to write about their experiences during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2021. Participants were asked to reflect on how they personally perceived the time period affected by the coronavirus epidemic and how their attitudes towards the coronavirus had changed as the pandemic had continued. The study investigated participants' attitudes towards restrictions and security measures and their efforts to avoid contracting COVID-19. Participants were also prompted to write about their possible personal experiences of contracting COVID-19, the experiences of individuals in their immediate circle who had contracted COVID-19, and their attitudes towards contracting the virus. In relation to the coronavirus, participants were asked about their attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines and their general attitudes towards COVID-19. Additionally, participants could write about the impact COVID-19 had had on their everyday lives, interpersonal relationships, and life in general. Any possible positive effects of COVID-19 and factors affecting participants' well-being and resilience were also charted. Background information included the participant's gender, year of birth, occupation, and area of residence. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD. The dataset is only available in Finnish.