Summary information

Study title

Rethinking General Practice: Dilemmas in Primary Medical Care, 1972-1975


University of London, Bedford College, Social Research Unit

Study number / PID

1687 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-1687-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The material was obtained in a longitudinal study of general practice in a variety of organisational and physical settings. More specifically, it was designed to assess the effects of a move to a Health Centre on providers and recipients of care by means both of before and after comparisons and by comparing Health Centre practices with practices not accommodated in Health Centres. Two group practices, one with six, the other with five principals, were scheduled to move to a purpose-built Health Centre in 1973. The practices agreed to be studied over a period covering the year before the move as well as two years after the move. Additionally two practices, a partnership and a single-handed one, not planning to move to a Health Centre, agreed to participate in the study. Changes occurred in the latter practices in the course of the study: the single-handed practice became a partnership and the partnership, with the retirement of a principal, single-handed. A third comparative practice, a single-handed one, joined the sample. The patient studies were intended to contribute information on patient views and experience of the care provided by the practices, and, in the case of the group practices, the effects of the move on them. The information was obtained from medical records, from taped recordings of doctor-patient consultations, from interviews with patients in their homes and their doctors' surgeries. Additionally, data on the consultation was abstracted from the doctor's notes. The data on the providers of care were obtained mainly by intensive unstructured open-ended interviews and by observation at practice meetings and elsewhere.Main Topics:Variables 1. The Attenders' Enquiries The object was to obtain information about patient requirements of specific consultations with a doctor and their assessments of the consultation immediately afterwards. Patients attending their doctors' surgeries...
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Data collection period

01/03/1972 - 01/12/1975



Time dimension

four surveys between March 1972 and December 1975

Analysis unit



Patients registered with four, later five practices in an inner London borough

Sampling procedure

Selection of patients was determined by the flow of patients through the doctor's consulting rooms. See Research Procedures

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Compilation or synthesis of existing material



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Jefferys, M. and Sachs, H. (1983) Rethinking general practice: : dilemmas in primary medical care, London: Tavistock.
  • Sachs, H. (1982) 'Can patients influence health decisions'
  • Sachs, H. (1978) 'The practice nurse', Nursing Mirror
  • Sachs, H. (1982) 'Health visitors as other professionals see them', Health Visitor