Summary information

Study title

Practices and Partnerships: Qualitative Data from Early Career Teachers, Primary ITT Trainees and Staff, 2020-2021


Steadman, S, King's College London

Study number / PID

855301 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-855301 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


The Practices and Partnerships Post-doctoral fellowship at King’s College London examined teacher learning and professional development in initial teacher education programmes. Original plans for the project were impacted by COVID-19 and, as such, the final scope of the research is smaller than planned. The project involved capturing data on the experience of Primary trainee teachers and Primary ITT staff in the form of online questionnaires. In addition, interviews were conducted with three early career teachers who had previously contributed to the researcher’s doctoral research as trainee teachers. The findings explore the lived experience of learning to teach and preparing teachers, with particular reflections on the impact of the global pandemic.My research is concerned with initial teacher education in England. In my PhD, I considered how the choice of learning environment impacts on the learning and development of trainee teachers. Sitting within the socio-cultural domain, the research was theoretically framed by an understanding of ethnography as 'both a process and a product' (Britzman 1995:229). The intensive yearlong immersion in three different training sites illuminated the cultures of the differing providers, demonstrating differences between routes both in terms of the structure and development of teacher learning and the effectiveness and sustainability of teacher preparation. The research resulting in the generation of rich, original data giving focused insight into what it looks and feels like to learn to teach in the increasingly marketized environment of teacher training in England. The subsequent conceptual theorising led to the formation of a framework addressing conflict, transition and agency. This conceptual framework has the capacity for analysis that transcends the specifics of individual programmes, both in the UK and internationally. Teacher education in England has seen significant changes over the past three decades (Murray &...
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Data collection period

05/10/2020 - 04/10/2021


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The three semi-structured interviews were conducted online with participants from the researcher's doctoral study. The questionnaires were administered using the GDPR compliant JISC online survey system. They were completed by ITT staff and students at a school centered initial teacher training site in the South of England. The questionnaires were distributed to the whole Primary cohort and were completed by 5 ITT staff and 11 trainees.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access. Commercial Use of data is not permitted.

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