Study title
Attitude to Use of Drugs among Young People (1973)
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA), Köln
Institut für Jugendforschung, München
Study number / PID
ZA1070, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude of young people to drugs as well as to alcohol and nicotine.
Topics: attitude to use of alcohol and type as well as frequency of
consumption of alcoholic drinks; alcohol excesses; attitude to smoking
and amount of average use of cigarettes; motives for smoking and start
of smoking; attitude to health and health precautions; use of selected
medications; attitude to use of intoxicants and contacts with users of
intoxicants; motives for use and reasons for rejection of intoxicants;
intoxicant currently used; attitude to legalization of certain
intoxicants; degree of familiarity of drugs; information on circle of
friends; personal opinion leadership or opinion allegiance; degree of
familiarity of pop musicians; knowledge of musicians who have stopped
use of intoxicants; media usage; relation to parents; judgement on
school and professional life; achievement orientation; attitude to
sport and leisure activities;
Demography: age; sex; marital status; religious denomination; school
education; occupation; employment; income; household income; household
size; household composition; respondent is head of household;
characteristics of head of household; housing situation; party
preference; presence of occupational goal; currently attending school.
Interviewer rating: housing situation of respondent (with his parents
or not); assessment of the external appearance of respondent by means
of a sample picture.