Study title
Attitude to Use of Drugs among Young People (1976)
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA), Köln
Institut für Jugendforschung, München
Study number / PID
ZA1071, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude of young people to drugs as well as to alcohol and nicotine.
Topics: leisure activities; preferred place for leisure time;
achievement demands in school or occupation; judgement on the
achievement demands; self-assessment of condition of health; type and
extent of use of medication; ability to quit smoking as well as
hypothetical use of drugs; personal classification of what is seen as
drug abuse; judgement on the current development among young people
regarding use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes; interest of parents in
the problems of young people; relationship with parents; frequency of
consumption of milk, wine, beer, fruit juice and schnapps; frequency of
alcohol excesses; time of last alcohol intoxication; age at starting to
smoke; reason for smoking or for not smoking; size of circle of
friends; knowledge and first use of selected drugs; inclination to use
of drugs; acquaintance with drug users and drug users in circle of
friends; most important reasons for abstaining from drugs or for use of
drugs; current use of drugs; reasons for discontinuation possible use
of drugs; characterization of personal situation in life.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; religious denomination; school
education; occupation; employment; income; household income; size of
household; composition of household; respondent is head of household;
characteristics of head of household; housing situation; party
preference; presence of occupational goal; current school attendance.