Study title
Development of Subjective Theories of Life by Young People (SLT) 1993-1995, 2nd Wave 1994
Sydow, Hubert (Institut für Psychologie an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Study number / PID
ZA6572, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Change of political orientations, values and future expectations.
Place and country of birth;
language spoken at home;
religious community;
participation in life of church parish;
number of siblings;
persons in household;
school degree, college education and occupation of parents;
employment of mother;
short time work, ABM {jobs program} or unemployment of parents;
importance of individual values (scale),
occupational (school) values (scale),
social values (scale);
political interest;
subjective political competence;
political effectiveness;
political participation;
national-authoritarian attitude (scale);
burdening events in one's life in the past (scale);
general social participation;
family participation (scale);
school grades in selected subject;
first and second foreign language;
first and second (compulsory) optional subject;
repeating a grade;
school degree sought;
activity after conclusion of time in school;
wishes and concerns for the next year, for the next 5 or 10 years
in personal and social area;
probability of occurrence of certain events in personal and social area;
most significant event in the last few years;
most important future event;
ability to influence the occurrence of certain events in politics and society;
alienation from politics / politicians;
political participation;
Sunday question;
party preference;
internal readiness for violence;
fulfillment of moral concepts and satisfaction with this;
subjective well-being.