Interval Study: Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in the GDR (1968-1980) IS I - 1969 (2nd Wave)
Typical forms and courses of development of personality and social conduct
of young people depending on social factors and conditions.
Frequency of reading regional and national newspapers and preferred topics;
frequency of watching or listening to special broadcasts on radio and
television of the GDR (scale);
frequency of listening to or watching broadcasts of West German radio or
desired occupation;
school achievements corresponding to desired occupation;
motives for choice of occupation;
presence of a friend and a circle of friends;
age and sex of friends;
frequency of meeting with friends;
sense of well-being in one's circle of friends;
comparison of circle of friends and Pioneer group;
effect of friends on school achievements;
presence of a best friend or a girl friend;
sense of well-being in the class;
accepting tasks of the group council;
assessment of life in the Pioneer group;
occupation with Thaelmann's life and significance for one's own life;
assessment of the collective character of the class;
readiness to become a member of the FDJ;
physical complaints (headaches, nausea, sleeplessness);
conviction that socialism will be successful world-wide;
following political events;
readiness to join a political party;
pride to be a citizen of the socialist state;
solidarity with the GDR;
geography, literature, economy, physics, psychology, film, politics,
military, technology, fashion, history, morals, music, biology, sport,
chemistry, dance, travel;
occupation of father and social origins;
occupation of mother and social origins;
occupation of parent or guardian;
having repeated a year of school.