Study title
Flow of commodities of the Federal Republick of Germany (FRG) and of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) form 1948 to 1989.
Statistisches Bundesamt
Study number / PID
ZA8394, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The published statistics of the Federal Office of Statistics presents the flow of commodities between the Federal Republic of Germany and the former German Democratic Republic and East-Berlin. It records the receive and delivery of the two territories’ goods trade. This statistics informs substantially about all commodities, received from the former GDR for use and for consumption, for working or processing, including substitute delivery and returned goods. Basis for this investigation of the values is the information collected by the customs offices when they cleared waybills. For goods, delivered or received via repair traffic or via refinement traffic, always the full value of goods is noticed. For Deliveries after pay refinement (Lohnveredelung) each the value of goods including the refinement costs and the mailing expenses are recorded (see: Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden (Hrsg.), 1991: Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1990. Stuttgart: Metzler-Poeschel, S. 214)
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A. Entwicklung des Warenverkehrs mit der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und Berlin-Ost;
B. Warenverkehr mit der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und Berlin-Ost nach Waren bzw. nach Warengruppen.