Summary information

Study title

Knowledge production for sustainable bio-energy: an analysis of UK decision processes and priorities


Levidow, L, Open University

Study number / PID

850842 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-850842 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


In the UK policy context, the transition to a low-carbon economy is being envisaged through technological solutions which enhance the commercial use of knowledge in a competitive global market place. For analysing the role of bio-energy, this research project has the following objectives: To identify the range of potential innovation pathways for bio-energy, as a basis to analyse variation, selection and retention of pathways as research priorities. To analyse how institutions are linked in selecting bio-energy research priorities. To develop a theoretical account of bio-energy research policy and its relation to shaping a low-carbon economy in the UK. To engage with stakeholders involved in shaping research priorities for bio-energy, eg as participants, as critical supporters, and as potential end-users. The main research question is: How do discourses, practices and interests of techno-scientific knowledge figure in selecting national research priorities for sustainable bio-energy from a wider range of options? Possible explanations lie in different actors' models of valuable knowledge, competitiveness, and environmental sustainability. These models will be analysed by combining three related theoretical approaches: Cultural Political Economy, Science and Technology Studies, and Critical Discourse Analysis.



Data collection period

01/12/2010 - 30/11/2012


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

documents, interviews and seminar discussions

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection only consists of metadata and documentation as the data could not be archived due to legal, ethical or commercial constraints. For further information, please contact the contact person for this data collection.

Related publications

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