Summary information

Study title

Products of the European Community, 1997-2022: Secure Access


Office for National Statistics

Study number / PID

6729 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-6729-19 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

PRODCOM (Products of the European Community) is a European Union (EU) wide survey of production mainly for the manufacturing industries collected under Council Regulation (EEC) No 3924/91. PRODCOM is classified to the Commerce Energy and Industry National Statistics Theme Group. Manufacturing (excluding recycling) and mineral extraction are sub-divided into a list of around 3,800 products. Companies selected for PRODCOM supply value sales data (as a proxy for production) for the products they manufacture, as well as non-manufacturing income. In addition, companies in approximately three quarters of the covered industries supply volume sales data.

Linking to other business studies
These data contain Inter-Departmental Business Register reference numbers. These are anonymous but unique reference numbers assigned to business organisations. Their inclusion allows researchers to combine different business survey sources together. You may consider applying for other business data to assist your research.

Latest Edition Information
For the fifteenth edition (November 2023), provisional 2022 and revised 2021 annual data files have been added to the study, along with a structural metadata file for 2022.

Main Topics:

Businesses are asked for the value of sales for all of their products. Some industries are also asked for the volume of products they manufacture. They are also asked for merchanted goods (goods purchased for resale without processing), work done (work done on material supplied by a customer), waste products (value of sales of waste products) and non-production income (income derived from provision of services and non-production activities). If sales of a particular product are less than £25,000, these can be recorded as ‘other sales’ rather than being split by product.


Data collection period

Not available


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Repeated cross-sectional study

Analysis unit



UK companies registered for VAT and/or PAYE and active in the mining and manufacturing sectors (SIC 2007 Sections B and C) in 1997-2022.

Sampling procedure

One-stage stratified or systematic random sample

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Postal survey



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to users registered with the UK Data Service.

Commercial use is not permitted.

Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. Registered users must apply for access via a DEA Research Project Application.

Registered users must complete the Safe Researcher Training course and gain DEA Accredited Researcher Status.

Registered users must be based in the UK when accessing data.

The Data Collection must be accessed via a secure connection method in a safe environment approved by the UK Data Service.

Related publications

Not available