Summary information

Study title

End Line Evaluation of the Project Supporting the Education of Marginalised Girls in Kailali, 2020


Adhikari, A, Foundation for Development Management (FDM)

Study number / PID

854729 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-854729 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Supporting the Education of Marginalised Girls in Kailali (STEM II) is a project implemented by Mercy Corps in Nepal with support from Girls Education Challenge (GEC), UK. Foundation for Development Management (FDM) conducted a longitudinal evaluations of the project. The evaluations were spread across three different phases, namely, baseline, midline and end-line. We are submitting hereby the quantitative data of end-line evaluation which was completed recently. The project stands on three key outcomes -- learning, transition and sustainability. In order to support these outcomes, several intermediate outcomes, namely -- teaching practices, safeguarding, self-confidence, resilience against COVID-19 and gender-sensitivity of different stakeholders, were taken into account. Data around these outcomes and intermediate outcomes were collected through girls and household surveys. The girls and household datasets attached herewith contain data for both treatment as well as control girls. A codebook has also been attached to ensure clarity.Supporting the Education of Marginalised Girls in Kailali (STEM II) is a project implemented by Mercy Corps in Nepal with support from Girls Education Challenge (GEC), UK. Foundation for Development Management (FDM) conducted a longitudinal evaluations of the project. The evaluations were spread across three different phases, namely, baseline, midline and end-line. We are submitting hereby the quantitative data of end-line evaluation which was completed recently. The project stands on three key outcomes -- learning, transition and sustainability. In order to support these outcomes, several intermediate outcomes, namely -- teaching practices, safeguarding, self-confidence, resilience against COVID-19 and gender-sensitivity of different stakeholders, were taken into account. Data around these outcomes and intermediate outcomes were collected through girls and household surveys. The girls and household datasets attached herewith contain...
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Data collection period

01/09/2020 - 01/12/2020



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Data for endline evaluation of STEM II project, implemented in Nepal by Mercy Corps with support from GEC, was collected between September and December, 2020, in the project implementation area, i.e. Kailali District of Nepal. In line with the project's objectives and outcomes, surveys were conducted with girls and their respective households, in both treatment and control groups.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

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Not available