Study title
Learning Regions - Bilingualism, 2014
Söderlund, Göran (Høgskulen på Vestlandet)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
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The introduction of national tests from 2006 has made differences between the counties in pupil attainment apparent. The project "Learning Regions" represents an alliance of 4 counties, 3 of which perform below average, according to what is expected, and one who performs among the top three, without being too different from the others. Understanding of regional differences the project builds on the work of Rokkan (1985) and the post-rokkanists. The basic assumption of the project is that regional variances in attainment can be explained by variation in local culture, better than being seen as a statistical oddity. Differences in regional culture should not be seen as stemming from variations at the regional level only. All studies in the project aims to help explain variances in basic skills as measured by national tests. The project is linked to the practice-field first by already organized project groups. The project will strengthen the teaching of basic skills in teacher education, move colleges and practice field together and develop new knowledge. "Learning Regions" includes several subprojects. This dataset includes data on bilingualism, and studies whether nynorsk contributes to the good results on national tests in Sogn og Fjordane.