Study title
Attitudes and Motivation of Women Working in Agriculture on Training and Further Education
Forschungsgesellschaft für Agrarpolitik und Agrarsoziologie, Bonn
Study number / PID
ZA0980, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Work stress and attitude to further education among women working in
agriculture. Utilization of and judgement on advice centers.
Topics: Time required by household and business; time worked each week
in summer and winter; available free time; work satisfaction;
comparison of activity in agriculture with occupations outside of
agriculture; employment before marriage and desire for activity outside
of agriculture; satisfaction with current situation; sex-specific
training model and attitude to further education in general and further
education of women (scales); participation in further education events;
traffic connections; time shortage and topic offerings as obstacles for
participation in further education measures; satisfaction with events
attended; extent to which informed about providers of further education
events; reference person regarding further education; familiarity of
further education events in radio and television; expectation of family
regarding further education; utilization of and judgement on advice
centers for family advice, advice for mothers and health, consumer
advice, advice for companies and firms; attitude to advice centers
(scale); type and frequency of reading newspapers; main focus of
interests with books; satisfaction with personal education; local ties;
attitude to sex education; frequency of car use; presence of parents or
parents-in-law in household; structure of agricultural company.
Demography: memberships and functions taken on in a club; social
origins; age; sex; marital status; number of children; ages of children
(classified); school education; vocational training; occupation; size
of household; composition of household.
Interviewer rating: willingness of respondent to cooperate; presence
of other persons; city size; distance from nearest small town as well
as nearest large city.
Also encoded was: identification of interviewer.