Summary information

Study title

Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Individuals)


Statistical Office of Estonia
Kutsar, Dagmar (Department of Sociology of the University of Tartu (Estoina))
Aasland, Aadne (Institute of Applied Social Research Fafo (Norway))
Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
Statistics Lithuania
Marksoo, Ülle (Institute of Applied Social Research Fafo (Norway))

Study number / PID

ZA4675, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.4675 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on poverty and economic resources, housing and residential environment, education, the labour market (unemployment, working conditions), social integration, health (contact with health institutions, coverage of medical insurance, private caretakers etc.), crime and security. Topics: 1.) Housing conditions/residential environment 2.) Labour Force 3.) Economic self-assessment 4.) Income 5.) Working conditions 6.) Health condition 7.) Crime, security and violence 8.) Migration 9.) Attitudes, values and political views 10.) Social contacts Demography 1.) Dwelling type; owner of dwelling; becoming owner of dwelling; quality of amenities; problems paying for rent or communal services; owing money for rent or communal services; number of rooms available to the household; dwelling space in square meters; damp/humid rooms and ability to keep home adequately warm; dwellings’ exposure to noise; exhausts from traffic/industry in vicinity of dwelling; respondents’ satisfaction with housing conditions; condition of dwelling; plans for removal to another dwelling; reasons for planning of removal to another dwelling; supply with consumer goods. 2.) Household members’ occupation last week; absence of occupation last week; reason for absence of occupation last week; actively seeking work; reasons for not seeking work; ways of seeking work; number of months seeking work; general availability for work; paid work in last 12 months; household members’ reason for stopping work; status in employment; full-time or part-time job; working hours at main job; additional jobs; working hours at additional jobs; seeking additional work. 3.) Capacity to get things that people sometimes cannot afford; economic situation of household; possibility to raise money for a sudden need; current economic situation compared with situation 5 years ago; assessment of future economic...
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Not available


Data collection period

10/1999 - 11/1999


Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Single stage stratified cluster sample in the largest cities and two stage stratified cluster sample in all other areas. The questionnaire calls for one respondent that answers for the household, and one randomly selected person (RSI) aged 18 or more. (For detailed information on sampling, please see the publications.)

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face to face interviews with standardized questionnaires



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

Related publications

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