Study title
Living Condition Survey Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia 1999 (Household)
Statistical Office of Estonia
Kutsar, Dagmar (Department of Sociology of the University of Tartu (Estoina))
Aasland, Aadne (Institute of Applied Social Research Fafo (Norway))
Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
Statistics Lithuania
Marksoo, Ülle (Institute of Applied Social Research Fafo (Norway))
Study number / PID
ZA4677, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The study gives updated and policy-relevant information on living conditions in the three countries, with special focus on housing and residential environment, economic self-assessment, and Income. (Household)
1.) Housing conditions/residential environment
2.) Economic self-assessment
3.) Income
1.) Dwelling type; owner of dwelling; becoming owner of dwelling; quality of amenities; problems paying for rent or communal services; owing money for rent or communal services; number of rooms available to the household; dwelling space in square meters; damp/humid rooms and ability to keep home adequately warm; dwellings’ exposure to noise; exhausts from traffic/industry in vicinity of dwelling; respondents’ satisfaction with housing conditions; condition of dwelling; plans for removal to another dwelling; reasons for planning of removal to another dwelling; supply with consumer goods.
2.) Capacity to get things that people sometimes cannot afford; economic situation of household; possibility to raise money for a sudden need; current economic situation compared with situation 5 years ago; assessment of future economic situation.
3.) Main contributor to household budget; wage income; self employment income non-agricultural; self employment income agricultural; non-government transfer income; government transfer income in total and income of pension, unemployment benefit, child benefit, social assistance and housing support; property income; other monetary income; total income; income of last calendar month is typical income; employment status of household (employee or self-employed); received benefits through employer or workplace; received in-kind support from relatives, friends, churches or charity organisations; household member owning/renting a farm; household living on farm; farming type of household; garden or land available for subsistence agriculture; household receives food from relatives or friends; household practices aspects of subsistence economy.