Study title
Global Risks and Uncertainty. Interviews with Young People in the City of Milan (2022-2023)
Bergamo, Sonia (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Study number / PID
10.20366/unimib/unidata/SN258-1.0 (DOI)
The data comes from research within the field of the sociology of risk, aimed at exploring social representations of global risks, particularly those related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The long-term impact of pandemic COVID-19 on daily life is explored through qualitative research focusing on the role of age in managing uncertainty. The results show how the restrictions imposed during the pandemic continued to affect the daily lives of young people even after the emergency ended. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of individuals aged 15-34 years, residing in Milan. The interviews addressed the following topics: - socio-biographical area: educational background, current studies, living situation, employment - daily life before the pandemic and current life - feelings evoked by some terms related to the pandemic, with reference to personal experience: physical distancing, quarantines, lockdown, etc. - habits developed during the pandemic that have become part of daily routine.