Study title
Improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices on dengue and diarrhea in rural primary school students, their parents, and teachers in Colombia: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
Overgaard, Hans Jørgen (NMBU)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Background: Improved education on water-related diseases in schools could help to reduce disease burden. This paper presents specific results on knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of a cluster-randomized controlled trial to reduce diarrheal disease and dengue entomological risk factors in rural primary schools in Colombia. The aim was to investigate whether enhanced educational interventions on dengue and diarrheal disease in schools could improve KAP scores related to these diseases in students and teachers in rural primary schools, as well as the students’ parents.
Methodology/Principal findings: A factorial cluster-randomized controlled trial was carried out in 35 rural primary schools in two municipalities in Cundinamarca, central Colombia. Schools were randomized into four arms: interventions related to diarrheal disease (DIA), dengue (DEN), both (DIADEN), or no interventions (control, CON). Both educational and physical interventions to reduce risk factors of dengue and diarrhea were implemented. Comprehensive teachers’ manuals were developed and deployed to guide the learning activities. The intervention was carried out over two school years. The knowledge scores of students receiving dengue interventions (DEN, DIADEN) increased by 1.16 point score (0.75-1.56, p