Study title
The effectiveness of a web-based Dutch parenting program to prevent overweight in children 9-13 years of age: results of a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-22t-bgfz (DOI)
easy-dataset:234560 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
Information not available
Introduction: Although parental support is an important component in programs designed to prevent overweight in children, current programs pay remarkably little attention to the role of parenting. We therefore developed a web-based parenting program entitled “Making a healthy deal with your child”. This e-learning program can be incorporated into existing overweight prevention programs. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of this e-learning program.
Materials and methods: The effectiveness was examined in a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial. The participants were 475 parent-child dyads of children 9-13 years of age in the Netherlands who participated in an existing schoolclass-based overweight prevention program. At the school grade level, parents were randomly assigned to either the intervention or the control condition. Measurements were taken from both parents and children at baseline, and 5 and 12 months after baseline. Primary outcomes included the child’s dietary and sedentary behavior, and level of physical activity. Secondary outcomes included general parenting style, specific parenting practices, and parental self-efficacy. Linear mixed effects models and generalized linear mixed effects models were conducted in R.
See the full description in the document 2022_Ruiter_ELVO_Study protocol
Data collection period
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DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Publication year