Study title
Mass Communication 1990 - East Germany
ARD, Frankfurt
ZDF, Mainz
Study number / PID
ZA2823, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
1. Media-technical equipment of household and media usage habits,
extent of print media and electronic media. 2. Leisure time and
communication activities. Topics:
1. Media: number of television sets in household; frequency of
watching television; number of radios in household and frequency of
listening to radio; type and frequency of broadcasts and stations;
personally preferred television broadcasts, radio broadcasts and
newspaper articles; subjective indispensibility of selected topics and
categories on television, radio and in newspapers; radio listening
habits (stations, broadcasts, frequencies); time budget for media usage
(TV, radio and newspapers) in quarter-hour rhythm; main source of
information for daily events; assessment of credibility of individual
media; preferred medium in future and favorite television or radio
program; assessment of objectivity of reporting on television, radio,
daily newspaper and magazines (scale).
2. Leisure time and communication activities: leisure activities on
previous day and frequency of leisure activities; interest in politics;
postmaterialism (scale); importance of areas of life. Demography: sex;
age; school education; marital status; religious affiliation;
employment; occupational group; income; net household income; size of
household; number of children in household; possession of a telephone;
state; administrative district; size of municipality classes; position
of respondent in household; characteristics of person managing
household. Indices: intensity of media usage. summarized values for
leisure activities and media usage. Also encoded was: weekday of