Study title
Foreigners in Eastern Germany 1990
Berliner Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien (BISS)
Study number / PID
ZA6342, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Living conditions of foreign citizens, migration behavior, assessment
of relations between Germans and foreigners.
Topics: Year of arrival; reasons for moving to Eastern Germany;
native country; entry country; GDR as transit country; longer stay in
other countries; previous and intended length of stay in GDR;
destination country on leaving GDR; residence permit; striving for
German citizenship; number of children; city of stay of family;
fetching family later; nationality of partner; personal residence;
number of persons in room of residence home; employment; size of
household; prospects for the future; life chances with introduction
of the market economy; expectations of the introduction of the German
Mark; job security; chances for a new job; jeopardy to foreign jobs
in comparison to those of Germans; conduct with jeopardy to job;
conduct of the citizens of the GDR at the time of entry; changes in
this conduct compared to then; understanding for and knowledge about
the culture of one's native country; maintaining cultural traditions
of native country in GDR; parties and organizations as representation
of interests of foreigners; participation in cultural and political
events of countrymen; contact persons with conflict situations; just
treatment in leisure area, in work, daily life and political
life; German friends; mastery of the German language; most important
characteristics of Germans; conduct of Germans regarding foreigners
with conflicts; German friends for one's own children; acceptance of
this friendship by German parents; leaving residence key with German
neighbors during absence.