Summary information

Study title

What does the primary school student know about the map in 2013?


Hennerdal, Pontus (Stockholm University)

Study number / PID

snd1085-1-1.0 (SND) (DOI)

Data access



Not available


In 1968, Sonja Peterson conducted a study that included all students from grade 1 to grade 9 in Arvika, Sweden. That study was named: Vad vet grundskoleeleven om kartan? [What does the primary school student know about the map?] and was published in 1971 in the report series: Rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen i Göteborg [Reports from the Department of Education in Gothenburg]. As a part of the doctoral studies Pontus Hennerdal conducted at Stockholm University, he recreated parts of the test Peterson used in her study. Together with some new questions, Hennerdals study was also carried out with students in Arvika during 2013. This time with students from grade 2 to year 9. This archive consists of answers from the 1206 completed questionnaires that were filled in during the spring term 2013 during Hennerdals Arvika study. Also the archive include some comparisons with the data Peterson collected 45 years earlier. During the spring term of 2013, tests(see attached files) were distributed to all classes (grade 2 to 9) in Arvika, Sweden. All grades did not have all test sheets. The teachers conducted the test with each class based on the instruction: The intention is that the questions should be self-instructing, that the only thing the students need in addition to the questions is a pen and an eraser, and that the answers to the questions should be received during an hour. But the study is not ruined by helping students to understand question they find unclear (explain the question, not the concept), let them use draft paper and their own ruler, or let someone draw a little over the time if the teacher finds it possible.


Data collection period

01/02/1968 - 17/05/1968



Time dimension

Time series: Discrete

Analysis unit



Students in 2nd to 9th grade

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Educational measurements and tests
Educational measurements and tests



Swedish National Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Access to data through SND. Data are freely accessible.

Related publications

Not available