Study title
Federal Parliament Election 1965 (Follow-Up Survey, Constituency Dinslaken-Rees)
Lehrstuhl für politische Wissenschaft, Universität Mannheim
Study number / PID
ZA0560, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Behavior at the polls and political judgement on the advertising
effectiveness of various advertising methods in the election campaign.
Topics: Self-assessment of political extent to which informed; sources
of political information; judgement on the election campaign in various
media; media usage; assessment of the objectivity of the media; memory
of election slogans and judgement on the quality of election slogans;
judgement on various advertising methods and the election campaign in
one´s constituency; participation in election meetings; assessment of
the conduct of Adenauer in the election campaign; personal
conversations with the Federal Parliament candidate; expectations of
the candidate; familiarity of the candidate; sympathy scale for the
three Federal Parliament candidates in the constituency; preferred
channels of communication with the parties; behavior at the polls in
the Federal Parliament election 1965, in the state parliament election
and in the municipal election; as appropriate information on one´s own
change in party voted for; splitting in voting; behavior at the polls
of family and friends; local event with influence on one´s own voting
decision; satisfaction with result of the election in the constituency;
change of behavior at the polls if election result had been known
before the election; parties given serious consideration; feeling of
political participation through voting; election information received;
religiousness; membership in clubs and organizations as well as party
political inclinations of these organizations.
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; religious
denomination; occupation; employment; composition of household; head of
household; self-assessment of social class; refugee status; possession
of durable economic goods; sources of information.
Interviewer rating: social class of respondent; city size.