Study title
Federal Parliament Election 1965 (Follow-up, October 1965, I)
Study number / PID
ZA0314, Version 2.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Political information behavior; party preference and judgement on the
election campaign in the Federal Parliament election 1965.
Topics: economic situation of respondent and evaluation of the
economic situation of the FRG (Katona questions); extent to which
informed politically and sources of political information; frequency of
use and trustworthiness of political information in the mass media;
frequency of political discussions; possibilities for individuals to
influence political decisions; attitudes to elections and to the party
system; satisfaction with the election result; estimate of the
significance of election campaigns and of the value of information on
election campaign methods; efficiency of election campaign
advertisements; memory of election predictions and presumed influence
on the election result; significance of the chancellor candidate for
the election result; party preference; party identification of the
primary environment; sympathy scale and semantic differential for
CDU/CSU, SPD and FDP; sympathy scale for selected politicians; motives
for personal election participation; voting behavior in the Federal
Parliament elections 1965 and 1961; time and reasons for the election
decision; satisfaction with the election result; preferred government
coalition; judgement on the behavior of the FDP in the formation of the
government; judgement on the qualification of Mende and Strauss as well
as the performance of the FDP of late; possession of a television set
and possibility of receiving both television stations; memberships and
political orientation of the organizations; use of media.
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; religious
denomination; religiousness; school education; vocational training;
occupation; professional position; employment; head of household;
state; refugee status; possession of durable economic goods.
Interviewer rating: social class of respondent; city size.
A party-preference index was also encoded.