Summary information

Study title

Eurobarometer 73.1 (Jan-Feb 2010)


Papacostas, Antonis (European Commission, Brussels DG Communication, Public Opinion Analysis Sector)
European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication, Public Opinion Monitoring Unit

Study number / PID

ZA5000, Version 4.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.11428 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The ´European Parliament´ module (QA1 to QA8) was implemented on behalf of and financed by the European Parliament. The European Parliament. Biotechnology. Science, Research and Technology. European cooperation in research. Topics: 1. European Parliament (in EU27): receipt of information about the European Parliament in the media; self-rated knowledge about the European Parliament; description of the European Parliament as dynamic, democratic, taking into account the wishes of the citizens, little known, inefficient; knowledge test about the EU: direct election of members of the European Parliament by the European citizens, same number of MEPs per country, seating of the Member States according to their nationality or to their political affiliation; desire for a more important role of the European Parliament; preferred policies of the European Parliament which should be given priority; values that should be defended by the European Parliament as a matter of priority (e.g. equality, freedom of speech). 2. Biotechnology: expected long-term improvement of living conditions by solar energy, computer and information technology, biotechnology and genetic engineering, space exploration, nuclear energy, nanotechnology, wind energy, brain and cognitive enhancement; genetically modified food: Split A: Familiarity with the term genetically modified food; discussions and search for information about genetically modified food; attitude towards selected statements related to genetically modified food (is good for the national economy, unhealthy, helps developing countries, is safe for future generations, benefits some people but puts others at risk, unnatural, makes someone feel uneasy, does no harm to the environment, development should be encouraged); (Split B: same as attitude questions as Split A, but related on nanotechnology and animal cloning in food production). Regenerative medicine: Split A: attitude towards and acceptance of stem cell research from human...
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Data collection period

29/01/2010 - 25/02/2010


Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Probability Sample: Proportionate Stratified Multistage Sample

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interviewCAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) was used in those countries where this technique was available



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

0 - Data and documents are released for everybody.

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