Summary information

Study title

Eurobarometer 47.0 (Jan-Feb 1997)


European Commission, Brussels; DG X - Information Communication Culture Public Opinion Surveys and Research Unit

Study number / PID

ZA2935, Version 1.1.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.10925 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Attitude to the EU. Environmental protection and consumer protection. Questions on the EURO, finance market, ´Fair Trade´ products, information society. Interest in information on Germany. Topics: 1. Nationality (multiple response possible); interest in politics; personal opinion leadership; judgement on the membership of the country in the EU; advantageousness of this membership at the time of interview and in future; necessity of a common European currency. 2. Importance of a common European drug, asylum and foreign policy; assessment of the most useful second language besides one´s own native language; trust in the people of individual member countries of the EU as well as in the Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Russians and Americans; importance of cooperation between France and Germany; interest in information about Germany and sources of information used for this; assessment of the significance of Chancellor Helmut Kohl for European integration. 3. Expected quality changes in foods, such as e.g. fresh products, products in cans, frozen foods and prepared products or convenience products; assessment of the credibility of consumer information provided by private and government organizations as well as media; necessity of environmental protection; preference for economic growth or environmental protection; most important environmental problems and judgement on this regarding solution recommendations; knowledge of European initiatives on consumer protection, such as e.g. contract law, safety with toys, misleading advertising, price marking, identification of materials contained; judgement on the effects of these initiatives on consumer protection; most important consumer problems; assessment of the school as sensible preparation for life as well as for conduct as consumer; judgement on local, national and European institutions in their role regarding education of consumers; judgement on EU measures to improve safety of products; judgement on the safety of...
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Not available


Data collection period

24/01/1997 - 27/02/1997


Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Finland

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Oral survey with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

0 - Data and documents are released for everybody.

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