Summary information

Study title

Databank of Information from the Aston Programme of Organization Studies, 1962-1973


University of Aston, Management Centre Research Unit

Study number / PID

922 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-922-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Main Topics:Variables The Data Archive now contains data from twenty-four studies carried out within the comparative organisational research programme initiated at the University of Aston in 1961. Summary details of each study are listed below, including dates, location and type of organisations investigated. There are six categories of data available from the databank and they are coded on the table as follows: 01 data on organisational structure and context collected by means of the original and complete Aston schedule, as reported by Pugh et al. (ASQ, June 1968), Pugh et al. (ASQ, March 1969) and Hickson et al. (ASQ, September 1969)-relevant references are available from the Archive. 02 data of organisational structure and context collected by means of a shortened version of the above schedule, as reported in Inkson et al. (ASQ, September 1970). 03 data giving total scores on each of the twenty Business Organisational Climate Index (BOCI) scales as defined by Payne and Pheysey (OBHP, January 1971). 04 data giving individual scores for each of the 160 items in the BOCI questionnaire. 05 data on managerial attitudes, behaviour and roles collected by means of the 'The Executive in the Organisation' questionnaire as described in Child and Ellis (HR, 1973), Ellis and Child (JMS, October 1973). 06 data collected by means of adaptations of the above instruments; also data additional to the above, including in some studies organisational performance data (marked 06P - but these are not, as yet, available from the Data Archive). These data are not directly comparable to those in any other study. The Aston Databank has been established under the supervision of Professor John Child, supported by a special grant from the ESRC. Mrs Ruth Goodkin and Mrs Pat Clark of the University of Aston Management Centre Research Unit have checked each study back to its raw data and recoded these where necessary into a standard format. A detailed manual for users of the databank has also...
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Data collection period

Not available


Canada, England, German Federal Republic, Great Britain, Japan, Multi-nation, Sweden, United States

Time dimension

No information recorded

Analysis unit



No information recorded

Sampling procedure

No information recorded

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

No information recorded



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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  • Hinings, C. and Greenwood, R. (1976) 'The characteristics of organization', [presentation], SSRC/PSA Conference, 01 July 1976-, Jul-76.
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  • Hickson, D., Inkson, K. and Pugh, D. (1970) 'Organization context and structure: an abbreviated replication', Administrative Science Quarterly, 318-329
  • Child, J. (1973) 'Predicting and understanding organization structure', Administrative Science Quarterly, 168-185
  • Child, J. (1974) 'Managerial and organizational factors associated with company performance: Part 1', The Journal of Management Studies, 175-189
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  • Pugh, D., Payne, R. and Inkson, K. (1967) 'Extending the occupational environment: the measurement of organizations', Occupational Psychology, 33-47
  • Pheysey, D. (1973) 'Individual skills and organizational requirements', Personnel Review, 14-24