Study title
Innovative Models for Knowledge Organization between Practice and Education in Medical, Health and Social Studies
Heggen, Kristin Margrete (Universitetet i Oslo)
Study number / PID (DOI)
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Fragmented health and social services are a widespread problem. In order to ensure better coordination of the service offerings, it requires effective exchange
of knowledge between professions and service levels. This requires new ways of working and new types of competence. Availability of each other's knowledge is not sufficient to make the interaction work, one must establish a common thinking and understanding. This approach is based on methods of dynamic collaboration between (1) education, research and practice; (2) patients/users and health and social services; and (3) the various professions involved.
The project named "Innovative models for knowledge organization between practice and education in medical, health and social studies" was carried out from August 2014 to May 2015. The data collection was done by carrying out observation and interviews, as well as a number of workshops with the participants/institutions involved , and review of literature on the relevant areas of knowledge, child protection and elderly care. Participants come from universities and colleges, state, regional and municipal institutions, as well as national, regional and local centers within the health and social sector. The added value for the sectors mentioned will be linked to follow-up research and syntheses of what is available of relevant knowledge, as well as the development of possible trials where models for education and learning are tested in practice and in education.