Summary information

Study title

The Social Situation of Older Women Living Alone in Large Cities in the Federal Republic of Germany


Blume, Otto (Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik, Köln )
Nägele, Gerhard (Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik, Köln )
Plum, Wolfgang (Institut für Sozialforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik, Köln )

Study number / PID

ZA1005, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.1005 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The housing situation as well as the extent of isolation and loneliness of older women living alone in selected large cities in the FRG. Topics: Housing conditions; residence furnishings; size of residence; rent costs and housing benefit; satisfaction with residence; length and evaluation of life alone; reasons for moves; actual and desired contacts with children and neighbors; evaluation of social contacts; contacts with young people; assistance from friends or family members in household; isolation and loneliness; personal person to confide in; difficulties of living alone; description of one´s state of health; number of visits to the doctor and hospital stays; help in case of illness; index of need of help; knowledge of help services for older people; leisure activities; having a pet; membership in clubs or organizations; visit to old people´s day centers; media usage; possession of a telephone; interest in paid employment; assets and sources of income; conduct in financial difficulties; alcohol use; religiousness. Scales: general contentment with life; understanding of sex roles and contact desires. Demography: age (classified); marital status; school education. Interviewer rating: length of interview; presence of other persons; judgement on residential area.


Not available


Data collection period



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Quota sample of women living alone 60 years old and older.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Oral survey with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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