Study title
The Employment Situation of Journalists in the Federal Republic of Germany
Roegele, O. B. (Institut für Zeitungswissenschaft der Universität München)
Langenbucher, W. R. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kommunikationsforschung, München )
Study number / PID
ZA0568, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Press concentration and journalist job market from the view of impacted
Topics: Length of occupation affiliation and information on
occupational development; professional position before and after change
in the business; time of announcement of the business change and
effects on personal working conditions; income reduction; severence pay
arrangements or supports from a hardship fund; effects of the business
change on one´s own provision for old age; change of place of
residence; detailed information on professional career; judgement on
the situation in the job market for journalists and assumed
difficulties to find a new job; judgement on the social security of
journalist jobs; memberships; payment according to wage agreement;
special payments of employer.
With those respondents who had lost their job: difficulties to find a
new job; unemployment benefit received; paths to a new position.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; number of children; school
education; vocational training; occupation; professional career; income.