Summary information

Study title

Federal Parliament Election 1969 (Pre-Election Investigation, September 1969 und Follow-Up Survey, October - November 1969)


Klingemann, Hans-Dieter (Zentralarchiv für empirische Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln )
Pappi, Franz U. (Zentralarchiv für empirische Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln)

Study number / PID

ZA0426, Version 3.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.11456 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


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Change in attitude of the voters from the election campaign and other conditions for voter movements. Topics: 1. pre-election investigation: subjective assessment of personal economic situation; opinion leadership; political interest and sources of political information; judgement on the political content of advertising materials in the election campaign such as e.g. posters, hand bills and direct-mail advertising; reading newspapers; naming competent and sympathetic politicians; party affiliation of the politicians named; naming significant personalities of the FDP; most important problems of the FRG; personal interest in the current problems of the FRG; judgement on the revaluation of the DM; aspects of the revaluation discussion; sympathy scale for CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP und NPD and comparison between pairs of parties; knowledge about the time of the next Federal Parliament election; voting intent, broken down according to first and second votes; knowledge about the significance of first and second votes; attitude to co-determination, to recognition of the GDR, to orientation of foreign policy, to firmer action against demonstrators, to the influence of the churches, e. g. in education policy; issue competence of parties and politicians; preferred Federal Government; expected result of the Federal Parliament election; preferred federal chancellor; behavior at the polls in the Federal Parliament election 1965; evaluation of the grand coalition; extensive determination of the relation between one´s own political attitude and family and friends; religiousness; membership in clubs, trade unions and professional organizations; regional origins. Interviewer rating: social class of respondent; description of household; manner of living; city size; spontaneousness of stating income; interviewer characteristics. 2. Follow-up survey: majority opinion at place of residence; surprise about the election result; assumed voting behavior of selected social groups; political...
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Data collection period

09/1969 - 11/1969



Time dimension


Analysis unit

Not available


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Sampling procedure

Probability: Multistage
Multi-stage random sample

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Oral survey with standardized questionnaire



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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