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Promoting language development in young children through shared reading, a randomised controlled trial 2015-2018
Rowland, C, University of Liverpool
Noble, C, University of Liverpool
Sawyer, H, University of Liverpool
Taylor-Ims, R, University of Liverpool
Coates, A, University of Liverpool
Study number / PID
853383 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-853383 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
This is a randomised controlled trial of shared book reading with 150 children aged 2;6 to 3;0 which follows CONSORT guidelines.
Dyads were randomly allocated to an intervention or control group. Parents in the intervention groups were be taught to read with their children using a particular reading style (dialogic reading or pause reading) and parents in the control group will be asked to read with their children but given no instruction on reading style.
Dialogic reading was developed by Whitehurst et al. (1988) and is a style of reading which encourages the child to be the teller of the story and the adult to be the listener, questioner and audience of the child. The adult is trained to read with their child and to prompt them with questions and expand on their answers and praise them.
Pause reading is a style of reading which involves pausing, recasting and open questioning. The adult is trained to pause when reading with their child and to ask them open questions and expand on their answers and praise them (Colmar, 2014).
We assessed how the interventions were implemented by the parents across different SES groups, and how they affected children’s development of language skills.
The three conditions were as follows: (1) Intervention 1: Group trained to read to their children using a dialogic reading style. (2) Intervention 2: Group trained to read to their children using a pause reading style. (3) Control: Reading control group and will receive no specific training.
The intervention ran for six weeks and the parents were provided with books to read with their children. The parents were asked to read two books to their child five times a week.The most cost-effective way to tackle the root causes of many social and educational problems is to intervene early in children's lives, before the problems have had a chance to entrench. Key to this strategy is improving children's language development in the early years. Children who enter school with good...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/04/2015 - 03/08/2018
United Kingdom
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Recruitment and enrolment lasted 2 years 10 months between March 2015 and January 2018 and post-testing finished in March 2018. Eligible participants were monolingual children aged between 2;6 and 3;0 years living in the North-West of England. Exclusion criteria were, less than 37 weeks’ gestation, less than 5lbs 9oz at birth, prolonged and/or frequent ear infections, hearing another language (not English) for more than one day per week, children or parents who had a disability that prevented participation. There were 150 primary caregivers of which 10 were fathers, 2 were grandmothers and 1 was a childminder. Children were aged between 2;6 and 3;0 at the first visit (mean age = 32 months; SD = 2.07; range: 30 – 36 months) and 45% of children were female. The intervention ran for six weeks and the parents were provided with books to read with their children. The parents were asked to read two books to their child five times a week. Parents kept a reading diary and audio recorded shared book reading sessions with their child. Audio recordings were collected to assess compliance.Dyads attended a pre and post-intervention testing session. During these sessions we will collected a number of language measures: Standardised Language Assessments:(1) Preschool Language Scales - Fifth Edition (PLS-5). This is a published standardized measure of the language knowledge of individual children which contains the following sub scales; Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication. In the present study we used the raw score on the Auditory Comprehension subscale as a measure of language comprehension and the raw score on the Expressive Communication subscales as a measure of language production. We present the raw scores(2) The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Preschool 2 UK (CELF Preschool-2). This is a published standardized measure of the language knowledge of individual children. In the present study we used the ‘sentence structure’ subtest which assesses children’s comprehension of a range of simple and complex sentence structures. We present the raw scores.Naturalistic observations: The parent-child dyads played with toys for 10 minutes (toy play) and read books together for 10 minutes (shared reading). The order of the two activities was balanced across dyads. We collected video recordings of these sessions and we also transcribed a sample of these video recordings.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.