Study title
Social Factors of the Attitude to Learning of Adults
Schulenberg, Wolfgang (Oldenburg)
Study number / PID
ZA1021, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Education consciousness as well as knowledge and assessment of further
education possibilities. Education readiness and participation in
education events.
Topics: 1. On education in general: judgement on one´s own education
and training; main focus areas of one´s own education; assumed attitude
of spouse to attendance at further education events; expected influence
of social position of parents on school education of children;
preferred education of children; opinion on the class structure of
society; assumed reasons for the hypothetical classes in society;
recommendations on raising the general education level in the FRG;
reason for the value of a high education level.
2. On further education: attitudes to institutions of adult education
and knowledge of further education facilities, such as e.g. adult
education center; attendance at further education events; reading books
and magazines; general desire to learn; attitude to adults in school;
significance of television for education or further education; use of
the third television station; media usage.
3. Miscellaneous: important aspects of work satisfaction (scale);
influence of technical progress on occupation practiced; interest in
co-determination; authority structure in one´s family; political
interest; education and occupation of spouse; regional mobility; city
size; company size; party preference; party membership; possession of
car and telephone; assumed income development; religiousness; personal
membership in a trade union as well as that of father; social origins.
Demography: age (classified); marital status; religious denomination;
school education; employment; type of company; household income;
occupational group; household composition; residential status; social
class of respondent; local residency; state.
Interviewer rating: length of interview.
Also encoded was: identification of interviewer.