Study title
Graduates of Special Schools 1990
Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6029, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Occupational and personality development of highly gifted young
people, who have completed special school support facilities.
Topics: High school graduation completed ahead of time; service in
the NVA; application for college and outcome of the application;
current study year and elected subject area; study years skipped;
support measures realized such as special study plan, individual
support or research task; doctorate intent after conclusion of course
of studies; self-assessment of study performance; satisfaction with
choice of subject; experienced demands from studies; experienced
effects of school support on personality characteristics and
capabilities (scale); decision for special school or class from
today's perspective; experienced achievement pressure in the special
school; expectations and concerns regarding occupational development
opportunities, unemployment, growing achievement pressure; interest
in various fields of specialization (scale).