Study title
Attitude of Specialists for Gynecology and Birth Assistance to Abortion 1990
Abteilung Medizinethik an der Akademie für Ärztliche Fortbildung Berlin Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpolitik an der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA6340, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Professional motivation and satisfaction, attitude to women with wish
for abortion and acceptance of their motives, counseling offer and
duty of doctors, decision opportunities of the women.
Topics: Motives for study of medicine; influence factors on desired
occupation; reasons for selection of subject area gynecology (scale);
influence of knowledge about the necessity of abortion; renewed
selection of subject area; desire for change of job due to conducting
abortions; work satisfaction; conducting abortions as component of
normal work program; situations for dissatisfaction in the
profession; opinion on abortion on demand of the woman and on sole
right of the woman to decide; valuation of abortion; change of stand
on abortion in recent time; abortion in the immediate circle of
relatives and friends and stand on this; dealing with the law on
abortion; possible changes of this law; extent to which informed
about the legal situation and current practice on abortion in GDR and
FRG; preferred legal view; desire for information about motives of
the woman for abortion; acceptance of motives of the woman; conduct
regarding women with wish for abortion; emotional relationship to
abortion patient; opportunities to increase responsibility of the
woman; following scientific literature on the abortion problem;
ability to influence the attitude of gynecologists to abortion; stand
on duty to provide counseling; groups of persons counseling;
character of counseling talks; contraceptive habits of the woman;
management activity; work area; place of work; social affiliation of
parents; medical occupation of parents; political inclination;
religiousness; district of place of residence.