Summary information

Study title

Second Home Tourism in Finnish Lake District 2004


Hiltunen, Mervi Johanna (University of Joensuu. Savonlinna Centre for Continuing Education and Regional Development)
Kokki, Ruut (University of Joensuu. Savonlinna Centre for Continuing Education and Regional Development)
Pitkänen, Kati (University of Joensuu. Savonlinna Centre for Continuing Education and Regional Development)
Vepsäläinen, Mia (University of Joensuu. Savonlinna Centre for Continuing Education and Regional Development)

Study number / PID

FSD2331 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2331 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2331 (DOI)

Data access



Individual datasets

Individual datasets that do not belong to any series.


The survey charted the use and importance of second housing from the viewpoint of second home owners living in the Helsinki region. Second housing in Finland is a large phenomenon with deep historical and cultural roots, and it represents a significant part of domestic tourism. In this survey, the term "second home" refers to rural recreational residences (holiday homes) mainly used during weekends and holidays, especially during summertime. The key themes of the survey included travelling between and life at the first and second homes, and the use of second homes. First, the respondents were asked to give some background information on their second homes, such as its size, standard of equipment, whether it suitable for winter habitation, and whether the respondents had purchased, inherited or built it. The distance between the second home and various services, such as town, grocery store, health centre and bus stop was queried. Travelling between the first and second homes was canvassed by asking the respondents to estimate the number of trips made to the second home and the number of days spent there for each month of the year. The distance to the second home, as well as the time spent and the means of transport used for travelling there were also examined. In addition, the respondents were asked whether they usually stop on the way to the second home and for what reason. The reason for travelling to the second home was also investigated. Further questions pertained to the time spent at the second home. The respondents estimated whether they would like to spend more time there, how they were going to use the second home during the next 5-10 years, which factors prevented the respondents from spending more time there, and who would most likely own the second home after they no longer use it themselves. Some questions focused on remote work, and the respondents also told whether someone in their household commuted from the second home. They listed the advantages...
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Data collection period




Time dimension


Analysis unit



Households in southern Finland owning a second home in one of the research municipalities in Finnish Lake District

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration
Probability: Simple random

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Related publications

  • Pitkänen, K. (2008). Second Home Landscape. The Meaning(s) of Landscape for Second Home Tourism in Finland. Tourism Geographies 10(2), 169-192.
  • Hiltunen, M. J. (2007). Environmental Impacts of Rural Second Home Tourism - Case Lake District in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 7(3), 243-265.
  • Pitkänen, Kati & Kokki, Ruut (2005). Mennäänkö mökille? Näkökulmia pääkaupunkiseutulaisten mökkeilyyn Järvi-Suomessa. Savonlinna: Savonlinnan koulutus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen julkaisuja; 11.
  • Pitkänen, K. (2005). Järvi-Suomen kaupunkilaiset kakkosasujat [verkkodokumentti]. Saatavissa: [viitattu 11.7.2008]
  • Vepsäläinen, M. & Pitkänen, K. & Hiltunen, M. J. (2011). Mökkeilijöiden muuttuvat luontokäsitykset. Teoksessa Niemelä J., Furman E., Halkka A., Hallanaro E-L. , Sorvari S. (toim.). Ihminen ja ympäristö. Gaudeamus, Helsinki. ss. 305-309.
  • Pitkänen, K. (2011). Mökkimaisema muutoksessa. Kulttuurimaantieteellinen näkökulma mökkeilyyn. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies No 31. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu.