Summary information

Study title

National Study of Health and Growth, Phase I: 1972-1976 (Years 1-5)


Cook, J., St Thomas' Hospital Medical School, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Social Medicine
Holland, W. W., St Thomas' Hospital Medical School, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Social Medicine
Altman, D. G., St Thomas' Hospital Medical School, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Social Medicine
Irwig, L., St Thomas' Hospital Medical School, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Social Medicine

Study number / PID

3968 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-3968-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Following changes in the provision of welfare, school milk and school meals in 1971, studies were set up to assess the possible effects of these changes upon the nutritional state of the population. The aim of the National Study of Health and Growth (NSHG) was to set up an anthropometric system of surveillance on selected growth, nutritional and health characteristics that could identify the effects of the changes in food policy. Height was chosen as the main indicator of nutritional status together with weight and triceps skinfold thickness. The primary aim of the study was to estimate trends in anthropometric measurements for children of the same age. Although changes in rate of growth at a given age may occur over time, the main question to be answered was whether there had been any overall shift in the position of the growth curve.The aim of the first five-year study (subsequently referred to as phase I) was to set up the planned anthropometric system of surveillance. It was originally intended to determine the extent and nature of poor nutrition (both over and under nutrition), to identify selected regional, demographic and socio-economic factors associated with childrens' growth, and to investigate the relationships between weight, height and the consumption of milk and school meals.Main Topics:The new entrants data sets include initial recording and measurements of age, gender, height, weight, triceps skinfold thickness, ethnic origin, school milk consumption and number of siblings for all children. Information on birthweight, past history of respiratory illnesses and hospitalisations, number of siblings and current consumption of school milk and meals and other milk and dairy produce (as supplied by the mother or guardian), is recorded for most new entrant children. Details on household composition, height, weight, birthplace, education and employment of parents/guardians, family...
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Data collection period

Not available


England, Scotland

Time dimension

Mixed longitudinal design

Analysis unit



Primary school children aged four and a half to eleven years, resident in 22 areas in England (areas coded 2-23) and six areas in Scotland (coded 24-29) during 1972 to 1976.

Sampling procedure

Employment Exchange areas were selected by stratified random sampling. Within each area schools were selected by Education Authority as considered to best represent stratum characteristics. Within schools all eligible children were selected (except in two areas in Scotland where only even birthdates were included).
All new entrants were eligible for subsequent follow-up each year if they continued to attend any of the schools in the study areas, up to the age of 11 years.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Postal survey
Clinical measurements
Physical measurements
A postal questionnaire was distributed to parents except for those who experienced difficulty completing the questionnaire and had a face-to-face interview instead. Data on gender and date of birth, routinely kept, were provided by the individual schools concerned.



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Publication year


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