Summary information

Study title

Adults with Learning Difficulties in England, 2003-2004


BMRB, Social Research
Emerson, E., Lancaster University, Institute for Health Research

Study number / PID

5293 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-5293-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

This study, the first national survey of adults with learning difficulties conducted in England, was commissioned by the Department of Health. It took place between July 2003 and October 2004 and involved interviews with almost 3,000 people aged 16 years and over, with learning difficulties. The survey focused on what life is like for people with learning difficulties, including where they live and with whom, what they do during the day, and their needs, wants and aspirations. The survey also collected respondents' views on the support received.

The survey was preceded by a feasibility stage and full 'dress rehearsal' in 2002-2003 to determine the best approach to identifying individuals in the 2-3% of the population with a learning difficulty (previously known as a 'learning disability' or 'mental handicap'). A number of sources were used to ensure that all those in receipt of services were covered. The feasibility stage also helped ensure that the design of the survey was accessible and inclusive.

The survey was conducted by a consortium led by BMRB Social Research, which included Lancaster University and Central England People First (a self-advocacy group run by and for people with learning difficulties).
Main Topics:

Topics covered included demographics, housing/household support needs, privacy, support at home, caring responsibilities, income, employment, education and training, health, leisure, social relationships and networks, access and involvement (including transport), crime, support services and initiatives, and life satisfaction.


Data collection period

01/07/2003 - 01/10/2004



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study
Baseline survey

Analysis unit



Adults aged 16 years and over with learning difficulties, resident in England during 2003-2004. Respondents were eligible if they were either in receipt of services on the basis of their disability, or defined as having a learning difficulty starting in childhood which reduced their ability to cope independently (excluding people with a specific difficulty in learning such as dyslexia).

Sampling procedure

Those in supported accommodation were recruited through random selection of service providers on the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's Supporting People database, followed by random selection of up to 10 residents within each selected provider. Lists of residential care providers were provided by the National Care Standards Commission, and those in long-stay hospital beds were accessed through National Health Service trusts. Random selection of trusts and residential care providers was made, and those agreeing to take part selected up to 10 residents at random. Those in receipt of services living in private households were accessed through Social Services Department (SSD) records. SSDs were selected to give a cross-section, and then c.60 individuals were selected at random by each SSD. Those not in receipt of services were identified by placing questions on BMRB's national Omnibus Survey (not held at the UK Data Archive). See documentation for full details.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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