Study title
Atlas of Agriculture in England and Wales, c.1840
Study number / PID
1659 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-1659-1 (DOI)
Data access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The aim of this study was to produce a computer atlas of agriculture in England and Wales circa 1840. The tithe surveys were made following the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836 which ended tithe payments to the Church. It was the largest survey of land use, ownership and occupation since the Domesday survey of 1086 and was not equalled again until 1910. It provides information on land use, the condition of rural and urbanising England in the mid-nineteenth century, rural landscape, settlement patterns, roads and enclosure.
Main Topics:
Data was obtained from parish-township documents compiled under the terms of the Tithe Commutation Act, 1836. In particular, reports on tithe agreements in 6,740 tithe files (PRO Class IR 18) contain data on land use, the acreage and yields of crops and the stocking of grassland at parish/township level. All these numerical data were transcribed and are included in this dataset. In addition, the reports on tithe agreements contain general descriptions of local soils and farming practices written by assistant tithe commisssioners and local agents in the course of commutation proceedings. Furthermore, the bulk of the remaining 7,989 tithe files contain minutes of local commutation meetings with evidence on farming, tithe history, condition of the clergy, enclosures, boundaries, etc. All the 14829 tithe files were subject-indexed by applying numerical codes to some 250 subject headings. These provide both an index to the general contents of papers in each title file, and also presence/absence data on a number of phenomena/activities.
Data collection period
01/02/1978 - 01/09/1981
Time dimension
Analysis unit
All 14829 Tithe Districts (parishes/townships) of England and Wales
Sampling procedure
Kind of data
Data collection mode
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.
Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.
Related publications
- Kain, R. (1986) Atlas and index of the tithes files of mid-nineteenth century England and Wales, Cambridge.
- Kain, R. (1982) 'Dime et la mesure de la production agricole dans la Grande-Bretagne pre-industrielle'
- Kain, R. (1992) A socio-economic survey of land use and the agricultural economy : : the 1836 National Tithe Files Database, . [online]. Retrieved 01 Jun 1992
- Kain, R. (1979) 'Compiling an atlas of agriculture in England and Wales from the tithe surveys', Geographical Journal
- Kain, R. and Holt, H. (1981) 'Agriculture and land use in Cornwall circa 1840', Southern history
- Kain, R. and Holt, H. (1983) 'Land use and agricultural production in Cheshire circa 1840'
- Holt, H. and Kain, R. (1982) 'Suffolk farming and land use in the mid-nineteenth century'
- Kain, R. (1980) 'Tithe as an index of pre-industrial agricultural production', The Agricultural History Review
- Kain, R. (1979) 'Tithe commutation and the extension of arable farming in England and Wales'
- Holt, H. (1980) 'The Tithe Files of Norfolk'
- Kain, R. (1983) 'Tithe files and mid-nineteenth century agriculture in England and Wale'