Summary information

Study title

Welsh Government Net Zero and Climate Policy on Transport, Agriculture and Consumption: Metadata for Insight From Key Stakeholders and Practitioners Working in Wales, 2021-23


Thorman, D, Cardiff University
Latter, B, Cardiff University
Poortinga, W, Cardiff University
Capstick, S, Cardiff University

Study number / PID

857149 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-857149 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


A series of ‘Roundtables’ were held with a selected group of key actors, each focussing on a key area of policy; transport and mobility, food and agriculture, and material consumption and the economy. The discussions centred around the role these sectors have to play in mitigating climate change and reducing carbon emissions in Wales. Through inviting different stakeholders from organisations and local communities across Wales, across policy and practice, and asking them to deliberate information about the main policy objectives in each sector, this research gains insight into the workings of how policy might be put into action. For policy relevant themes, there was a need to avoid the siloing, to reconceptualise metrics for progress away from the economic, and to encourage co-production and engagement between government, local authorities, business, and citizens. There were good examples of smaller projects across community transport, community supported agriculture, and sharing/fixing hubs that needs to be scaled up, with more consideration in planning and infrastructure that can facilitate the flow of resources, with better integration with public services and procurement. The importation of products and raw materials brought about concerns for farmers and those working to reduce wasteful consumption, where global international policy differs.The Centre for Climate Change Transformations (C3T) will be a global hub for understanding the profound changes required to address climate change. At its core, is a fundamental question of enormous social significance: how can we as a society live differently - and better - in ways that meet the urgent need for rapid and far-reaching emission reductions? While there is now strong international momentum on action to tackle climate change, it is clear that critical targets (such as keeping global temperature rise to well within 2 degrees Celsius relative to pre-industrial levels) will be missed without fundamental...
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Data collection period

18/04/2021 - 30/04/2024


United Kingdom, England and Wales, Wales

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

This research used deliberative research methods across twelve workshops with a total of 51 participants - a mix of policymakers, councillors, business owners, community workers and farmers. Participants were invited to discuss this content across two sessions, audio transcripts were recorded and transcribed. Participants were contacted via email after searching online for suitable candidates with relevant expertise. They were individuals working for relevant organisations.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection only consists of metadata and documentation as the data could not be archived due to legal, ethical or commercial constraints. For further information, please contact the contact person for this data collection.

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