Summary information
Study title
Geodemographic classification of commuting flows for England and Wales
Kingston, R, University of Manchester
Study number / PID
852455 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-852455 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
A series of flow based classifications of commuting for England and Wales based on MSOA origin-destination data from the 2011 Census. It consists of 9 super-groups and 40 sub-groups.
The evidence can be used to target funding for an 'into-work-scheme' to help the most disconnected community. The toolkit allows the policymaker to explore levels of commuting and compare the level of connectivity of each neighbourhood to major employment centres. The underlying rationale for the research is that the toolkit will help deliver efficiencies in public and private sector investment. This is crucial at a time when the government is promoting the need for smarter economic growth but doing so in a challenging context in which public sector resources are scarce and the private sector is risk averse.Numerous research studies use commuting data, collected through the Census of Population, to understand social, economic and environmental challenges in the UK. This commuting data has been used to understand patterns; answer questions regarding the relationship between housing and labour markets; and to see if travel behaviour is becoming more or less sustainable over time. However, there is lots of untapped potential for such data to be used to evaluate transport policy and investment decisions so resources are more effectively and efficiently targeted to places of need. In applied public policy a major shortcoming has been a lack of use of this data to support investment in transport which has major implications for economic growth. If transport investments are inefficiently targeted, this restricts the capacity of places to grow economies to their full potential. This wastes their resources by over investing in transport capacity in areas where it is not needed. Equally, it has long been argued that efficient investment in transport is crucial if labour market exclusion, particularly the case of deprived communities, is to be tackled. The aim of the research is to inform...
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Data collection period
27/03/2011 - 27/03/2011
England and Wales
Time dimension
Not availableAnalysis unit
Geographic Unit
Not availableSampling procedure
Not availableKind of data
Data collection mode
The data was collected from the 2011 Census Interaction Data Service via the online portal (see Related Resources)3GB pre-processing – 515,000 flows.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
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