Summary information

Study title

Factors and Forms of Development of Young People in the GDR (1968 - 1980) IS 1 - 1977 10th Wave - Cross-Section)


Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig

Study number / PID

ZA6193, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.6193 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


Recording typical forms and courses of personality development of GDR-youth in the 70's as well as their significant determinants. Topics: employment and work proving its worth (BAB): attitude to chosen occupation; job satisfaction; sense of well-being, recognition in work brigade, sense of responsibility; fulfillment of work demands, ability to achieve; retrospective evaluation of occupational training; characteristics of activity exercised; self-assessment regarding work achievements; assessment of leader; use of forms of further education and qualification; assessment of social relations in work collective, work organization, climate in the company; subjective factors for job satisfaction; pride in occupation; occupational plans - remaining in occupation and company, change; number of jobs up to now; Satisfaction with life (ZUF): satisfaction with political, technical, social, personal and other areas such as political development of the GDR, policies regarding the FRG, housing situation, financial situation, material possessions, partner relations, possiblities for qualification, conditions of structuring leisure time, social support at work, life over-all; Subjective retrospective on measures for education and child-raising as well as education needs (BIB): assessment of the effectiveness of measures for education and child-raising at the occupational, technical school or EOS; Mass communication (MKM): political information practices; preferred mass medium; frequency of use of printed matter, radio and TV broadcasts, differentiating content; selection of radio and TV station; justifying reception of stations in the West; frequency of trips to the movies and dance events; reading belletristic books; preferred structuring of leisure time on the weekend; Political-ideological attitudes and world view (PIE-WAG): certainty of the historical victory of socialism; world view, attitude to religiousness of young people, interest in political events and philosophical...
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Data collection period

05/1977 - 06/1977


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Not available


Not available

Sampling procedure

Probability: Cluster
Cluster sample

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Educational measurements and tests
Written survey in group situation, further test procedures:work motivation test (after Hennig, W.); progressive matrix test(after Raven); MKA test (after Guthke; shortened and modifiedversion of the intelligence structure test (after Amthauer)



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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