Study title
Evaluation of Church Election, postal survey, 2009
Institute for Social Research (ISF)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
This data set is obtained from the study Evaluation of the Church Election 2009 which the Institute for social research (ISF) has carried out associated with the research project "Evaluation of the Democratic Reform in the Norwegian Church" on behalf of the Church Council. It is based on the church election held in 2009. The purpose of this study is to get a picture of the Norwegian church members views of church, members motives for participating or not participating in the church election and their experience with the election campaign.
The data were collected using two questionnaires. One is a telephone survey directed at all members of the Norwegian church who was entitled to vote at the church the election in 2009. That is, all members born before 1995. The telephone survey was conducted by the polling institute Norstat week immediately after the church election (week 38/39 2009). Totally 1000 completed interviews. The second survey is a postal survey that was directed against members of the Norwegian Church born before 1992, and which on the basis of electoral marks knew had voted on at least one of the church elections - parish council election and / or diocesan council election. It was sent out 1500 questionnaires to a sample of members during weeks 42-46, 2009.
This is the postal survey.