Summary information

Study title

Strategic Management of Work Ability and Occupational Healthcare in Municipal Organisations: Personnel Management 2015


Pekkarinen, Laura (Keva)
Pekka, Toni (Keva)

Study number / PID

FSD3190 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3190 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd3190 (DOI)

Data access



The Strategic Management of Work Ability and Occupational Healthcare

The Strategic Management of Work Ability and Occupational Healthcare surveys conducted by Keva examine how the work ability and careers of public sector organisations' staff can be supported through management and cooperation with occupational healthcare providers. The first dataset was collected in 2015. From 2018 onwards, the respondents of the surveys include the entire public sector, i.e. municipal, church and state organisations. The 2015 data cover only the municipal sector. The surveys collect information on the human resources strategies and human resources management objectives of...

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This study charted how workplace well-being and occupational healthcare were managed in Finnish municipal organisations in terms of well-being monitoring and measuring, preparedness for situations where an employee's capacity to work has diminished, and cooperation with occupational healthcare providers. First, the study surveyed how regularly the respondents' organisations carried out a variety of tasks measuring and surveying occupational well-being and employees' ability to work, as well as how they prepared for possible problems in this regard. For instance, it was queried whether the organisations conducted surveys charting employees' well-being and capacity to work, made calculations about the costs of an employee's inability to work, and prepared for retirement of employees. It was also surveyed which of these measures the respondents deemed strategically the most central for their respective organisations. The respondents were also presented with a set of statements that charted e.g. whether their organisations regularly monitored sick leaves, had recognised underlying causes for sick leaves, or had formed action plans with the goal of preventing work-related injuries and accidents. Some questions covered whether the organisations had a personnel strategy and a staff well-being coordinator. Strategic management of employees' well-being and ability to work was surveyed with statements regarding e.g. whether the organisation's personnel strategy promoted longer work careers, whether the organisation had set measurable goals for the development of workplace well-being, and whether immediate superiors had access to technical equipment with which to measure employees' well-being and ability to work. Next, the respondents were asked to evaluate whether different actors inside the organisation, such as union representatives, immediate superiors or the management, received sufficient information on e.g. sick leaves, employee well-being and the costs of an...
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Data collection period

04/05/2015 - 22/05/2015



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Personnel administration staff in municipal organisations in Finland (representing their respective organisations)

Sampling procedure

Non-probability: Purposive

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Related publications

  • Pekkarinen, Laura & Pekka, Toni (2015). Työhyvinvoinnin ja työkyvyn strateginen johtaminen ja työterveysyhteistyö kunta-alalla vuonna 2015. [verkkodokumentti] KEVAN TUTKIMUKSIA 1/2015. [viitattu 28.6.2018].
  • Pekkarinen, Laura & Pekka, Toni (2016). Minkälaiset valmiudet erilaisissa kuntaorganisaatioissa on toimia työntekijän työkyvyn heikentyessä? YHTEISKUNTAPOLITIIKKA 81:5, 559-566.
  • Shemeikka, Marika (2021). Henkilöstön osaamisen ja työhyvinvoinnin kartoitusten säännöllisyys kunta-alan organisaatioissa. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto. Aikuiskasvatustieteen kandidaatintutkielma.