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Situation in life of older citizens.
Topics: Hopes and fears; importance of selected areas of life such as
education, democracy, children, occupation, friends, social security,
hobbies, family, environment, peace, health, residence, work,
religion, politics; general contentment with life; satisfaction with
selected areas of life; knowledge about availability of social
services office, the health insurance company, the housing office,
the branch of the pension insurer, the housing company; facilities
that can be asked for help with problems with calculating one's
pension; earlier and current employment; desire for employment;
preferred leisure activities (scale); changes of living conditions
since the "turning point"; contacts with children/grandchildren;
residential status; rent; place of residence of children; preferred
manner of living together with the children; intent to move; desired
furnishing of a new residence; lacks of current residence; preferred
form of housing in old age; household furnishings; yard/weekend
property; condition of health; physical activity; psychological
condition; health-conscious habits; frequency of medical treatment;
relationship with doctor; house visits; confinement to bed in the
last year; participation in a lunch program; need of help with jobs
in household, trips to government offices, do-it-yourself activities;
helpers; extent to which informed about charity organizations;
existence of social services such as household help, nursing, meal
service, driving service; willingness to live in an old people's and
nursing home given need for care; preferred institutions that should
do more for older citizens; participation in cultural events; areas
of life causing serious concern (scale); fear of the future; earlier
membership in organizations, clubs and parties; readiness for
neighborhood aid for older persons; amount and composition of pension
income; regularity of pension payment; relationship of work...
Many but not all metadata providers use ELSST Thesaurus for their keywords.
Not available
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
04/1992 - 05/1992
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Not available
Sampling procedure
Multi-stage sample
Kind of data
Not available
Data collection mode
Oral survey with standardized questionnaire
GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences
Publication year
Terms of data access
C - Data and documents are only released for academic research and teaching after the data depositor's written authorization. For this purpose the Data Archive obtains a written permission with specification of the user and the analysis intention.