Study title
Activities and Satisfaction of Older People (Municipal Seniors Survey)
Schröder, Helmut (ZUMA, Mannheim )
Krebs, Dagmar (ZUMA, Mannheim)
Study number / PID
ZA2651, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Activities and satisfaction of seniors.
Topics: Attitude to the
expression ´seniors´; attitude to representation of interests by a
special party for seniors; most important interest areas; length of
residence in Ludwigshafen; residential status; number of rooms; floor
and elevator available; length of living in residence; satisfaction
with housing; self-assessment of condition of health; satisfaction with
condition of health; assessment of personal disabilities; contact for
care and with illness; others in need of care in household; frequency
of selected leisure activities; satisfaction with extent of one´s own
leisure activity; familiarity of the city aid for the old; source of
information about the aid for the old; attending adult education
courses; newly gained friendships through adult education courses;
satisfaction with courses of the adult education center; frequency of
trips to day centers for the old and senior meeting places;
satisfaction with senior meeting places; newly gained friends through
the day center for the old; judgement on the importance of day centers
for the old; participation in one-day excursions; frequency of travel;
general contentment with life; frequency of activities in charitable
organizations, sport organizations, aid for the old, social groups and
church; dissatisfaction with one´s own participation in activities of
these groups; index of contentment with life (LSI, scale); number of
children; number, frequency of contact, spatial closeness and
satisfaction with contact with the children, family members or
relatives as well as friends; living together with partner; partner
satisfaction; help in personal crises; caring for grandchild; general
zest for life (scale); primary income source; satisfaction with
financial situation; interest in receiving the survey results. Index:
contentment with life.