Study title
The Conduct of the Consumer (Social-Psychological Consumer Behavior)
Study number / PID
ZA0127, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Analysis of economic conduct of consumers under social-psychological
aspects in advance of a purchase decision as well as during the
purchase itself.
Topics: Assessment of consumer influence on price, quality and product
offering; perceived influences on one´s own purchase decision;
subjective feeling of obligation to buy in the store; criticism of
quality and price in the act of buying; attitude to advice and service
by sales clerks; criticism of sales personnel; preferred type of
business; shopping behavior and shopping habits; knowledge about the
market; knowledge about and attitudes to name-brand articles and trade
names; purchase behavior regarding sell-out; price and quality
consciousness; classification of products according to luxury and
consumer goods; social assessment of shoppers based on their choice of
store; self-assessment of economic extent to which informed; political
interest; preferred residential area; media usage; city size; party
preference; memberships.
Demography: age (classified); sex; marital status; number of children;
religious denomination; school education; occupation; employment;
income; household income; size of household; self-assessment of social
class; state; refugee status; possession of durable economic goods.
Interviewer rating: social class of respondent; spontaneity and
certainty of answers given; suspected opinion leadership of respondent.
Also encoded were the following interviewer characteristics: sex; age;
social class; occupation; income and school degree.