Study title
Jobs in the 1980s: Bridging the Gap Between People and Work (International Survey)
Shanks, Michael (London)
Strümpel, Burkhard (Forschungsstelle Sozialökonomik der Arbeit, Freie Universität Berlin)
Yankelovich, Daniel (Public Agenda Foundation, New York)
Zetterberg, Hans (SIFO, Swedish Institute for Opinion Research, Vällingby)
Study number / PID
ZA1346, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
The attitude of workers to work.
Topics: by means of the same 32-item scale detailed characterizations
a) one´s own activity and personal workplace,
b) the ideal image of employment,
c) the possibility of relief and more pleasant structuring of one´s own
job and
d) possibilities of more efficient job performance; description of
change and the opportunities to learn in the occupation; responsibility
in the company; degree of co-determination possibilities; adequate use
of personal capabilities in current occupation; comparison of ´passage
of time´ at work and in leisure time (scale); work satisfaction; work
orientation; personal freedom in structuring work (scale); judgement on
current situation in the job market in comparison with the situation 10
years ago; changes at one´s place of work in the last 5 years;
occupational changes due to technological developments; judgement on
the employment and personnel situation of the company; readiness to
work more in bottleneck situations; exercising side jobs; plan of
professional life; frequency of change of occupation; most important
political demands; personal work ethics and assumed attitude of
parents; attitude to economic growth as well as connection between
economic growth and unemployment; judgement on wage equity in company;
attitude to change of daily working hours for the benefit of more
vacation or longer weekends; identification with company; ties to
company and solidarity of company with employees; atmosphere at work;
bad treatment experienced at current job and personal reactions to
this; achievement motivation; reaction to criticism at one´s place of
work; judgement on cooperative and achievement-oriented leadership
style, measured on personal preferences; judgement on leadership
practices of superiors in company; satisfaction with income.